During our normal business hours, please call us on +44 (0) 20 7727 8625. We will check your policy documents, advise what information your insurer is likely to need and provide you every assistance to help ensure your claim proceeds as smoothly and quickly as possible.
Outside of our normal business hours we would advise you to contact the insurer directly and report the claim. They will usually give you a claim reference number.
Depending on the complexity of the circumstances or the size of the loss, the insurers may well appoint a loss adjuster who will be responsible for verifying the exact nature and value of the claim. Contrary to popular belief, most loss adjusters have no incentive to minimise the size of any claim, or to find ways for the insurer to repudiate your claim.
Once the exact circumstances of the loss and the value has been established the insurer will decide whether it thinks you are covered and hopefully make an offer of settlement.
If, at any point, you are unsure or unhappy with the service your are receiving, please do contact us. We have excellent relationships with our insurers and can often overcome any problems that you might face. Rest assured, we will be working for you, not the insurer.
Private Motor Policies
All of our private motor policies come with free Legal Expenses cover from CCB INS.
If you have been involved in a car accident regardless of fault, call their claims line on 44 (0) 20 7727 8625.
The policy number to quote when contacting CCB INS is EE90011078
Useful advice
Useful websites that provide impartial advice on what to do: