Make sure your investment is protected with our Property Owners Insurance, for residential landlords.
Residential landlords come in all shapes and sizes. You may have been in the game for years and own a portfolio of properties in different areas, or a whole block of flats. Or you may just have a second house that you rent on a long-term basis.
Either way, Residential Landlords Insurance is essential to your livelihood, protecting you from the whole range of hazards you face when your property is let.
If you need to make a claim, we’ll be on your side. Our experienced team can guide you through the process and push for an outcome that’s both quick and fair.
We know which questions to ask in order to properly assess and anticipate your needs and our trusted relationships with a range of the UK’s top insurers mean we have access to a wide variety of policies, which we can match and tailor to your individual requirements.
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Four key covers:

Loss of rent
There are many reasons you could suddenly lose your rental income
A Residential Landlords policy through CCB INSURANCE BROKERS will provide the protection you need from a loss of rental income following a claim.

Unoccupied Property
All year round protection for your property.
Cover even if it’s unoccupied for over a month.

Buildings Insurance
Comprehensive insurance for your building and its communal areas.

Landlords Liability
Accidents or injury suffered by tenants or members of the public.
Liability claims can be expensive to defend, but at CCB INSURANCE BROKERS we will ensure you are properly protected.
Essential Insurance for landlords:
Loss of rent
There are many circumstances that can leave you with a sudden loss of income from your residential property. Loss of rent cover pays out in the event of a claim for loss or damage caused, for example by fire or flood, that means your tenants can no longer stay in the property.
We can help you foresee the issues you face as a residential landlord and make sure you get a comprehensive insurance plan that covers your individual needs
Unoccupied property
When a property is left vacant for over a month – a normal gap between tenants for many residential landlords – a standard Residential Landlords Insurance plan generally becomes invalid. This is due to the increased risks posed by unoccupied property. It can be difficult to find an insurer willing to take on these risks.
We can help you find Residential Landlords Insurance that protects your property all year round, whether it’s occupied or vacant.
Buildings insurance
The health and safety of your building or buildings is crucial to your income. What if you were a victim of a flood, fire or serious vandalism? A quality Residential Landlords Insurance plan will include robust buildings insurance cover that fully protects your building, including communal areas such as:
- Hallways
- Stair and lifts
- Gardens and grounds
- Car parks
Landlords liability
If a tenant or member of the public were to suffer an accident or injury which they blamed on your negligence, you could have a serious court case on your hands. This is especially true if you manage multiple dwellings, such as a block of flats – in which case, you could be sued by several parties at the same time.
Investing in the right level of liability cover is critical. Landlords liability is one of the best value covers that we offer, saving you a potential fortune if a claim was made against you.
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