44 (0) 20 7727 8625 [email protected]

Liability Insurance

Protect your business against accusations of negligence.

 Liability Insurance is essential for any business owner.

The vast majority of businesses should consider Public Liability a necessity in today’s world. The cover is there to ensure you and your business are protected against accidental injuries and accidental damage claims from third parties. Typically, these claims could come from your customers and other visitors to your premises or from the people you visit in a professional capacity.

Employers Liability is a legal requirement should you or your business have any employees, whether voluntary or part time. It is usually purchased alongside Public Liability as a package policy. It is designed to cover you against compensation claims being made by employees who have become injured or ill whilst in your employment. If you are in need of both EL and PL insurance, you can get Combined Liability Insurance.

We understand how important your company is to you, whether you’re a sole trader, self employed or own a larger firm.

We ask the right questions, ensuring that you will have all the cover in place that you need should you ever need to make a claim, by doing this, we have built a trusted working relationship with our insurers and they can offer us the most competitive rates that we pass on to you.

Get a quote

To discuss your insurance requirements please call us on +44 (0) 20 7727 8625 or email us through our contact page using the link below.

Combined Liability Insurance can be flexed to include cover for:

Public Liability

Providing cover against all legal liability for death or injury to members of the public or loss of or damage to their property, in connection with the business.

For example, a customer slips on a wet floor in your office where the appropriate signage wasn’t displayed.

Product liability

Covering against all legal liability for death or injury to members of the public or loss of or damage to their property in connection with the business.

For example, a ladder you supplied was faulty causing a customer to fall and hurt themselves.

We can advise on your exposure and provide an adequate Product Liability Cover for you.

Employers liability

Covering employers for any sum which they may be liable to pay to any employee injured or diseased in the course of their employment and during working hours, also whilst working temporarily abroad.

For example, the scaffolding you supply to your building team wasn’t correct for the job and caused a member of your staff injury.

Employers Liability Insurance is a legal requirement, even if you only employ casual labour or sub contractors.

Who needs Liability Insurance?

If you employ anyone within the UK, even if only part time and voluntary, the Employers’ Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969 ensures that you have at least a minimum level of insurance cover against any such claims of £5 million by law.

Public and Product Liability Insurance should be taken out by any business who comes into contact with third parties or third party property, examples include:

  • Builders
  • Plumbers
  • Electricians
  • Consultants and Contractors
  • Private Tutors
  • Bookkeepers
  • Accountants

Liability claims, especially when involving members of the public can be time consuming and costly, and that’s without the damage that can be done to your company’s reputation. Having the proper insurance in place can provide you with all the protection you need against any risks you may face.

Liability Insurance Extensions:

We understand that every business is different, and therefore, every businesses’ insurance needs are different. There are a number of add-ons that can be taken out with your Liability Insurance Policy which can include:

Contract Works
This covers any works in progress on a construction site until it’s completed and the responsibility of your client or customer. This is often a prerequisite when taking on work from a third party.

Tools and Equipment
Any tools or equipment you use in your line of work can be covered. It is important not to underestimate the value of your tools. If all of your tools were stolen, or damaged, could you afford to replace them all in one go? Would you have to stop trading?

Hired in or Own Plant
Any Plant which you own or any that you may need to hire in for a specific job or contract.

Business Interruption
Business interruption protects the revenue or profits of the business to ensure you can continue to trade following a claim for an insured risk such as fire, flood or theft. Business Interruption can also cover the costs of your fixed overheads while you are unable to work.

Our team can find you the most suitable policy even if you have a problematic claims history, a unique set of needs or are unsure where to start.